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Custom branded end user safety, incident reporting, and lone worker mobile apps with over 50 powerful features that keep your people safe in a crisis.

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Fully Custom Branded

Customized personal safety and emergency notification apps, getting you 50 to 100 times more downloads than other vendor branded apps in the market.

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Tip Reporting

Advanced web and mobile reporting platform to help your users see something and say something.

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Content Changes in Real Time

Make content changes in real-time without having to submit app updates to the Appstores. You can update your app without tying up IT resources.

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Robust Multi-Modal Notification

Unified mass notification system to quickly alert targeted end users in a crisis.

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Improved Internal Response

Internal command and control app to better respond to on-premise emergencies and automated safety check-in system.

The Market Standard in Safety and Incident Response

With the customized and integrated Rave + AppArmor platform, everything you need to communicate, prepare for and respond to an event sits in the palm of your hand. Learn how our feature set is easily configured to meet the complex needs of your organization or community in our on-demand webinar.

Watch the experts at Rave and AppArmor for an important discussion on the capabilities and features available to protect and inform your people and the future of critical communication and collaboration.

AppArmor Features

Advanced Incident Reporting

Organizationally branded reporting platform with automated alerts and report routing, saving precious time in processing reports.

Lone Worker Safety

Highly configurable working alone safety apps with automated check-ins, real-time monitoring, and emergency escalations.

Command and Control

Internal communication and response platform with team chat rooms, automated conference call bridges and searchable address book.

Unified Mass Notification

The award-winning AppArmor systems are in use by hundreds of clients and millions of users across the globe.

Join over 10,000 Customers Worldwide

Market Leader in Critical Communication and Collaboration

Trusted by Thousands of Organizations

Thousands of customers trust Rave to help protect their employees, students, and residents. Our customers include some of the largest communities, most respected companies, and best known colleges and universities in the world.


Benefits of AppArmor

Integrated mobile apps that inspire your community to stay engaged and motivated. Rave and AppArmor provide a broad range of engaging features, numerous new aesthetic customization options and dynamic content.

Our safety apps meet the unique needs of organizations of all shapes and sizes. Our philosophy of reducing barriers to entry to safety content for end users, affordable pricing for our partners, and custom product delivery have proven to be a winning combination. Below are some of the most common use cases of AppArmor:

Mobile Reporting

Whether your people are reporting suspicious activity, damage to their home after a storm, or reporting a bully, the AppArmor platform provides a comprehensive reporting tool that can anonymously allow your end users to send you valuable information. Reports automatically notify and route to the right people at your organization, streamlining response and saving you time.

Get Notified in a Crisis

AppArmor is fully integrated with the Rave Alert platform, as well as other emergency notification systems in the market. Inform your people in important or emergency situations with push notifications to your branded safety app. These notifications can include images and reach all of your people in seconds.

Get There Safely

Your people can send their location in real-time to either your dispatch group or a third party. Either way, people can have peace of mind knowing that they will have someone looking out for them as they make their way to their destination.

Be Prepared

With offline-ready emergency plans and other important resources, your people will always have access to the right information to be ready before, during and after a crisis. You can also weave functionality into these plans so that users can take action based on the direction provided by your organization.

Get Help Now

Aggregate all of the most common emergency and important resources into one easy-to-use app for your end users. This includes ways to quickly reach the authorities, mental health professionals, and other support groups. The app quickly becomes the one-stop-shop for all your end user’s wellbeing needs.

“Easy manageability and flexibility are key in an emergency alert system, and addressing these factors leads to faster response time and informed decision-making.”
mayo clinic logo


Challenges We Solve

Industries We Help


AppArmor Frequently Asked Questions

Learn More About Rave


Customer Success Story

Better Communication Leads to Faster Emergency Response Times and Safer Communities in Texas

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School safety officer walking hallway

Product Features Sheet

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Talk With An Expert

Discover our prepackaged solutions or configure a package that’s right for your community, company, K-12 schools and higher education system. Learn how you can be up and running in days, take advantage of unlimited emergency usage, and benefit from unbeatable performance and customer satisfaction.