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Rave Panic Button Tutorials

Setting up your Staff Assist PIN

If you are an “Admin” Campus Contact, you can send Custom Staff Assist messages. Custom messages allow Admins to communicate a unique need, follow up on earlier Staff Assist messages, or even contribute to information disseminated during a Rave Panic Button Incident that involved 9-1-1 (e.g. “All Clear”, “False Alarm”, “Ambulance has arrived at North entrance”).

You need a Staff Assist PIN to send a Custom Staff Assist message. Upon installation, Rave Panic Button prompts “Admin” Campus Contacts to select a Staff Assist PIN through a message in your Inbox. Click the message to select your PIN.

screenshot showing phone screen with how to set up staff assist pin

If you forget your Staff Assist PIN, please ask your Rave Panic Button account administrator to reset it for you. When they do, you will be able to select a new one. Rave Panic Button administrators can find further instructions on Admin configuration and custom Staff Assist messages can be found in the Help section of your facility profile.

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